General Utility Library for C++14  2.12
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Ngul14Namespace gul14 contains all functions and classes of the General Utility Library
 CConvertingStringViewA string view that can automatically convert numbers into strings
 Cbad_expected_accessThe exception thrown by gul14::expected if value() is called, but no value is present
 CexpectedAn expected<T, E> is an object that normally contains an "expected" object of type T, but it can alternatively contain another, "unexpected" or "error" object of type E
 CunexpectedClass template for constructing the unexpected value of an expected object
 CFinalActionFinalAction allows us to execute something if the FinalAction object leaves the scope
 CHexdumpParameterForwardHelper object used to enable a convenient syntax to dump things to a stream
 CoptionalA class template that can either contain a value of a certain type or not
 Coptional< T & >A class template that can either contain a value of a certain type or not
 CSlidingBufferA circular data buffer of (semi-)fixed capacity to which elements can be added at the front or at the back
 CSlidingBufferIteratorIterator of the SlidingBuffer container
 CSlidingBufferExposedA variant of SlidingBuffer that exposes the underlying container through its iterator interface
 CSmallVectorA resizable container with contiguous storage that can hold a specified number of elements without allocating memory on the heap
 CspanA view to a contiguous sequence of objects
 CMinMaxObject that is designed to holds two values: minimum and maximum of something
 CStandardDeviationMeanA struct holding a standard deviation and a mean value
 Cbasic_string_viewA view to a contiguous sequence of chars or char-like objects
 CThreadPoolA pool of worker threads with a task queue
 CTaskHandleA handle for a task that has (or had) been enqueued on a ThreadPool
 CIsContainerLikeHelper type trait object to determine if a type is a container
 CTriggerA class that allows sending triggers and waiting for them across different threads
 CFailToInstantiateA helper class to debug types
 Cin_place_tA type for constructor disambiguation, used by gul14::expected, gul14::optional, and gul14::variant
 Cin_place_type_tA type for constructor disambiguation
 Cin_place_index_tA type for constructor disambiguation
 CmonostateA well-behaved empty type for use with gul14::variant and gul14::expected
 Cbad_variant_accessThe exception thrown if the wrong type is accessed on a gul14::variant
 CvariantA "type-safe union"
 COverloadSetA function object that works like an overload set of functions
 COverloadSet< Fct1 >OverloadSet for a single function object
 Chash< gul14::monostate >Specialization of std::hash for gul14::monostate